
   Faintist idea - St' Swithons day. the element of suprise fit as a fiddle__________The happy memories book

                                        in the deck chairs for the day.. hastings beech.. 1999 in the cav GL 1600 wooden prom hastings listening to pink floyd darkside of the moon on the cars tape/radio.... leaving hastings in cav with laurie wisefield on.... the phone box on whitley road with  lewi after visting dunk & andrea at manor court

LYRIC CHEST - get going don't look behind us, a place where no one else can find us [ lewi 84 ] - jaded blues [baker 2010 ]



the introduction The Smugglers   it'd been a long loving voyage that had brought the pair outside a lowly village shop flooded with children from The Pig In Paradise memories returned not a bottle of perfume. The Clown features

The Tomb of the Cybermen: : The scrapton universe university professor who has the earth dragon on the paper reveals to an inquisitive universe girl some facts, she studies the gem drop portfolio the pigmented mineral deposit quarts or whatever was as discribed by a good chinese friend in the sit in takeaway while making an order while viewing he there discribed it as a rock and cast across the counter as if in a discard I myself was sort of in a discord as it was on a lovely shaped and molded with colour soft rock not only but major to that it had a very large mother of pearl type ( see gibson guitar necks ) additional addition up and across one side which was beautifully Pink, and could look almost honey comb I'd often find  it relaxing rubbing the thumb say various ways across it- I had at home a dremol I'd seen advertized recommended etc by the intercepters say. Hey but finding the pearl at the light house there in the short piece of sand without a shell Susan and me by then I was collecting cos of making good. not being able to wait plus wanting to show it it being the tear shape even eaglerly I pulled it out at Dr Ricemans horrified and appauled with his crashing it to his desk in an attempt to break its luster I'd assume then when my good friend who turned out  one Sunday in the printers pie oddly he did the same thing to it beyond belief my and Sue took it with a vexed smile them want to break its shell and luster together shean. with the piece of Sun being lifted from the flooded patio on windows fit day I began to use the jade boldly marked The dragon is a long story Just washed up thats why we went there: :blyth power station, the dragon dripping wet and the pink topped to a wet and shiny both were mine now plucked out the sand imediately I left the dragon standing and drove back for it like lightening before leaving it again in the whitley road cafe flower pot n'needed to go  back for it chasing Sue

I have hopes that the idea of EXT; Everyone wants a Alfred News.   2> follow the shots 101->ORX - ALFRED NEWS -
- The RETALIENT ' wildfires stem>2bl&


Fri, Feb, 04, 2022


    nail on the header

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Piece of the Sun stolen during windows refit
 Odd section for wife

  1. Ray One - Will, purpose, power, destruction
  2. Ray Two - Love, wisdom, inclusiveness, coherence, magnetism
  3. Ray Three - Active Intelligence, adaptability, creativity
  4. Ray Four - Harmony through conflict, beauty, sensitivity, unity
  5. Ray Five - Concrete knowledge, science, mind, analysis
  6. Ray Six - Devotion, idealism, adherence, force
  7. Ray Seven - Order, ceremony, organization, group, magic
By The PCmill The Parallel Times

Beyond the hatched trap of Ovington fair PCville
Tycoon returns to roots with big development plans.

By PC Millie The Parallel Times

Which was a one night affair with no-one to pay after re-establishing the size in the aurer first and popping somewhere south cryps the wind had got up beneath us and felled a whole load of trees in gossy park there we agreed nod  odd smile the ride was ended success that could next bring a well defeat much to my suprise sue said A yes to that flaming council bill t'get housed even though i'ded never worked yet because of our drive I knew it had to. In there, hill court, pitt street despite anticks plus 9, like we all park our vans, lorries here now I studied the dragon a lot seeing it knows all history to me maybe it was just a stone then I 'm honestly not to sure when I first realized it was infact the dragon and I caught its tale.

 TAGALOG] LNS Latenight shopping After the 98 world cup I was heading south with susan the audi wasn't quite fit for the journey allan keys couldn't swing it either but we got there Hastings I got us the top studio flat by stopping when we left a seaford pot to check  card show in the on route sweety co.  (ATELOADER) =TC/76'INSTALL (EIGHT LODA) JEWELLRY BOX>> - a little effort getting out the place due to o'pig kids helped and we left the garage topped up raring to go... next I made a first stop it was at pontefract after getting parked it was just like a walk along your favourite high street nothing but to keep us there and eagar plussed by it to get on sue and me took it and off north proper. 
Bedsit Land
it was to late by then we'd taken the mushroom deal I ironed maxines black shirt and we took to south parade before bedsit land which as we know was my last appeal for a life at 24 known then as a waister i'd hunted sport jimi the blonde's sister was attaching like the factory gaffer I'd assume but later forget yvonne and them for on the trail which as you know to the daughters for a while prior to the bedsit arranged In there we see baker &  lewi ed had went back to julies to live the new life began The day lew said, if you had your way we'd be playing in japan no I said we were the un-heard sound of the eighties george always around shrieks one night that skinny little bsd did this to me and I noticed then his awfully bent over nose
 YOU are represented now, 6.wands crossed with the devil and in the house of the fool above you is  a 2 pentacles say ( watch )  behind you a knight ( cups say )



 I looked out from the balcony                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     we left the neptune pot to ) =TC/76'INSTALL (EIGHT LODA) JEWELLRY BOX>>

- a little effort getting out the place due to o'pig kids helped and we left the garage topped up raring to go...